Over-the-knee boots are a great way to accentuate the leg line. An easy way to wear the statement making boots without making the look too sexy is by keeping the outfit casual. I have opted for an easy sweater dress that hits right at the thigh and gives a little breathing room between boots and hemline. If you are short and petite you can still wear the over the knee boots but I would recommend the following:
- Don’t hide your boots under a long hemline that will shorten your legs.
- Choose to wear a slim pair of denim to show off the shape of the leg and a top that doesn’t cover or hide your waistline. Steer clear of shapeless shifts and oversize toppers they will hide your proportions.
How do you like to wear your over the knee boots?
P. S In case you have missed my last post you can check here and get inspiration how to wear autumn colours
Čizme preko kolena odličan su komad kako bi ste naglasilie dužinu vaših nogu. Kako ne bi izgledali „previše“ seksi u njima, odlučite se za casual varijantu autfita. Moj izbor za casual autift je vunena haljina, dužine iznad kolena. Ukoliko ste niži i sitnije građe ne zaobilazite čizme preko kolena. U tom slučaju savetovala bi sledeće:
- Zaobiđite haljine koje su do pola kolena, one će činiti vaše noge kraćim
- Odaberite uske farmerice koje će naglasiti oblik vaših nogu i bluzu koja neće sakriti vaš struk. Zaobiđite široke bluze i majice. One će pogrešno naglasiti vaše proporcije i istaći ono što želite da prikrijete.
U kojoj modnoj kombinaciji vi najčešće nosite čizme preko kolena?
P.S Ukoliko ste propustili poslednji autfit post, možete ga pogledati ovde .

Dress : Marks and Spencer Cape : Dorothy Perkins Boots : Dorothy Perkins Bag : Dorothy Perkins