Svetlana Prodanic was born in Osijek, Croatia. When she was eighteen she moved, with her family to London, United Kingdom. She didn’t even dream that moving to London will be the beginning of her carrier in fashion industry. Being accepted at famous Central St.Martins College for fashion styling studies was Svetlana’s first step into the world of fashion.Working as a fashion stylist for the FTV gave her opportunity to travel around the world and to work for magazines such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Grazia etc. She also collaborated,during fashion weeks and other projects, with many different designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Yohji Yamamoto, Valentino, Issey Miyake, Manish Arora ,etc. In 2013 she decided to relocate, with her husband and two kids to Serbia and she now lives between Serbia and London at present. Svetlana is still working as a fashion stylist but persuaded by her friends and colleagues she also launched this fashion blog in August 2014. Fashion Pumpkin blog covers a variety of topics including Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle and Travel to offer its readers the latest on the subjects they enjoy the most. Nearly two years that the blog has been developed and Svetlana has worked with a number of established fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands just to name few Dorothy Perkins, Closet London, Hugo Boss (Serbia),Monsoon (Serbia and UK )Accessorize,Burberry Eyewear,Rocekt Dog, Farfetch,Absolute vodka, Max Factor,Yason luxury sunglasses stores,hotel Kempinski in Vienna, Intecontinental hotel in London,hotel Hyatt Regency in Belgrade,Aria hotel in Budapest,etc (for full list of brands please contact Svetlana via email).
Svetlana Prodanić rođena je u Osijeku, Hrvatskoj. U svojoj osamnaestoj godini, sa svojom porodicom emigrirala je u London, Veliku Britaniju. Odlazeći nije ni sanjala da će njen život u Londonu krenuti pravcem mode. Upisivanje na čuveni umetnički uiverzitet Central St.Martins za modnog stilistu bio je samo prvi korak a nakon toga usledile su mnoge pohvale i poslovne ponude. Posao modnog stiliste za FTV vodio je po celom svetu a uporedo je radila za Vogue, Marie Claire i druge poznate magazine. Sarađivala je sa mnogim svetskim i dizajnerima na nedeljama mode u Londonu i Monte Karlu, od koji su neki Jean Paul Gaultiera, Yohji Yamamoto, Valentino, Issey Miyake, Manish Arora i drugi. 2013 godine odlučila je da se sa svojom porodicom, suprugom i dvoje dece preseli u Srbiju i da živi na relaciji Srbija –Velika Britanija. Svetlana i dalje radi posao modnog stiliste ali odlučuje da na nagovor svojih prijatelja i kolega pokrene ovaj modni blog u avgustu 2014 godine. Fashion Pumpkin blog pokriva širok spektar tema uključujući modu, lepotu, lifestyle i putovanja i na taj način nudi svojim čitaocima teme o kojima najviše uživaju da čitaju. Uskoro će Fashion Pumpkin blog proslaviti svoj drugi rođendan a Svetlanin talenat prepoznali su veliki broj brendova i kompanija iz oblasti mode,lepote i putovanja kao što su Dorothy Perkins, Closet London, Hugo Boss (Srbija), Monsoon (UK i Srbija), Accessorizze (Srbija), Rocket Dog, Farfetch, Absolute Votka, Max Factor (Srbija), Yason optičarske radnje, hotel Kempinski u Beču, hotel Intercontinental u Londonu, hotel Hyatt Regency u Beogradu, hotel Aria u Budimpešti i mnogi drugi (za kompletnu listu saradnji kontaktirajte Svetlanu putem mejla).